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Founded in 2020 with a goal to revolutionize the education sector, Poornatah is a brand designed to help students learn from industry leaders and provide them with practical experience. Our goal is to provide students with a platform that gives them space to grow their knowledge while also working on their skills and practical experience. With innovative pedagogy strategies, our educational modules are designed to engage the learners’ minds and encourage them to brainstorm ideas outside the box. As times are changing, we cannot keep education constant and expect students to perform well in a technological world. It has become vital to focus on transforming education methodologies in order to craft a better future for the children and the nation as a whole. With our creative methods, we focus on building a system where students and their parents can feel confident in their future, where students won’t have to question whether what they’re studying will help them in the future or not. Moreover, following a skill-based education, including vocational skill development courses, software development training, and diploma in digital marketing with certification and placements, will help them get ahead of the curve and allow them to be confident in the career they pursue.

IT Communication – e-learning – internet network as knowledge base
Since the implementation of the NEP 2020, the government’s focus on education has changed by a significant standard. Instead of being purely focused on classroom learning and examinations, the Department of Education, Government of India, has also placed focus on the skill-based education of students. This has introduced several skill-based vocational courses into school systems that are designed to help students get career-ready from an early age. In order to provide children with a platform that gives them an edge in this skill-based education, Poornatah has partnered with various universities to bring high-quality skill-based education modules, including online degree courses and distance education options. Moreover, since the modules are facilitated by industry professionals, Poornatah brings an undisputed advantage to students, supported by our online career counselling services.

Poornatah is brand working into education sector since 2020. We have been catering 40,000+ students through our skill courses , diploma courses and education consultancy. We believe in overall development of our student with also working in their placement assistance. We believe in making students ready to work friendly. Poornatah offers various education options available through both online and offline mode.Poornatah is an educational venture of Urbantract India Private Limited (estd. 2018) , founded in November 2020 by Devansh S Bhatt & Devasheesh Sharma with a vision to create healthy educational and skill based environment for its learners. We believe in connecting creators with learners.
Our Mission
Poornatah was established to combat the lack of skills in today’s youth by providing high-quality skill development directly from industry experts in the fields. The skill programs supplement the traditional education of the child and provides them with a platform to be industry-ready at the start of their career.
Our Vision
Poornatah’s vision is to provide excellent skill-based education to children across India and ensure a successful career for them.
Our Parent Company

Other Ventures

Shining Youth Foundation (SYF)
Shining Youth Foundation (SYF) was registered on 19th March 2017 in Agra and this Organization is working for youth empowerment development since its inception. The aim of Organization is to help youth by organizing conceptual events for them, all with a charity cause. Conceptual events here stand for events like seminars, debates, parliament, recognition Ceremonies, cultural activities & awareness programs. All events of our organization are based on topics & issues related to youth in current scenario and on those which are need of youth. As they reflect on their six-year journey, they feel a sense of pride in having had the opportunity to work with over 8000 young individuals. Nevertheless, they remain committed to their mission, and welcome like-minded individuals to join them in their endeavor.
Poornatah Samachaar
Poornatah Samachaar is an educational media venture of Urbantract India Private Limited which is a media magazine. The title is registered under Registrar of Newspapers of India. Poornatah Smachaar is an English magazine with its circulation in western U.P. as well through its online portal.

Our Founders

Mr. Devansh S Bhatt

Mr. Devasheesh Sharma